Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Fence-posts ‘R’ Us

South-Oxfordshire rain is very patriotic.  Monday was a bank holiday.  So naturally it rained, so that our weather could demonstrate its commitment to ‘British values’

There were even severe-weather alerts in force for Oxfordshire yesterday.  Today, when most people with 9-5 jobs were back at work – and Wallingford Green Gym was set to be outside working on fencing – the severe-weather alert for the county had been lifted. 

Unfortunately, the forecast for precipitation had only improved from >95 to 50% probability.  It probably did in fact rain only half the time, but it remained a disappointingly grey morning in an otherwise lovely spot by the River Thames:

Nothing deterred, Green-Gymmers confidently announced, when told today’s task consisted of repairing fencing in a meadow which floods in winter:

“We’re big on fence-posts.”

 To be more precise, it was the men on the team proclaiming their prowess with spade, drivel, and tamper.  However, whenever I got the camera out (between outbreaks of rain) to try and capture a shot of Green-Gymmers at work today, it was women doing the heavy work of sinking a new fence-post: 

They insisted I take a photograph of them “doing all the hard work, while the men stand around and watch”:

The camera doesn’t lie, they say; but, of course, it can only capture a moment in time.  I am sure that overall this morning the work-loads were fairly distributed between team members.  For myself, when I had delivered fresh fence-posts to where they were needed (that means carrying them), I spent most of the morning removing old staples from moribund fence-posts (and reflecting how odd it feels to be using a hammer to take staples out). 

Even as simple a task as removing metalwork from a redundant fence-post makes for a good work-out, when you meet a stubborn staple which has to be levered out by brute force & ignorance.  But that’s why we do Green Gym: to get the exercise – as well as doing nice things for the sheep which will eventually be able to go back in that field.

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