Tuesday, 30 December 2014


First session of Xmas 2014/15 and the task was about the same as the last session before Christmas. 

‘Hedge planting’ is essentially just like tree planting, except the plants go in closer together and lined up in strict rows.  The other differences between before and after the start of Christmas: another range of species; slightly different planting methods; and a shift in the weather. 

Oxfordshire had been treated to what one of our members calls “a silver Christmas” (as opposed to a white Xmas, whether cartoon form or heavy metal): a sufficiently deep coating of frost to make everything out of doors look sparkly in the sunshine, but not enough of the white stuff to cause inconvenience.  Dendritic ice crystals on a window this morning, where it had been left open for fresh air in a bedroom overnight, seemed appropriate given today’s task:

The cold snap did have some volunteers wondering if the ground would be too hard for tree planting.  “Dunnowz I know” – as they say in Wisconsin – was the only response I could give.  (All folks associated with that part of the world are feeling particularly laid- back at the moment.  For anyone connected with Wisconsin naturally supports the ‘Pack’, and the Packers have just won their fourth straight divisional title.)

However, none of the volunteers need have worried.  All had been prepared ahead of our visit by trust-staff, who had thought on ahead, protected the ground with compost and covers, and sorted out bundles of whips of 15 different species (64% hawthorn, 10% field maple, the remainder assorted other specimens, incl the odd rose).

As the morning progressed, some volunteers developed individual styles of working.   
One pair, from another community-group, worked in a tiny area, where there would have been no room for our merry band.  Among the Green-Gymmers, some went for “the production line method”:

Others continued to dig one hole at a time (“hand-crafted”).  Some of the craftsmen had extra assistance:

(Well done, our young apprentices!)

The third system of work was to dig trenches:

Fortified by treats brought over from Germany (marzipan, chocolate-coated almonds, and Lebkuchen), the all-age work-party managed to complete all three lengths of hedge with immaculate scheduling for our normal going-home/decanting-to-the-pub time.  Here the finishing touches are being put to the two sections which were allocated to Wallingford Green Gym + visitors:

Happy New Year to all – Prosit Neujahr!

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