Tuesday, 24 February 2015

“Sunshine, coffee, cake …”

“… what more could one ask for?” remarked one volunteer.

Answer: windspeed a little lower in this exposed part of South Oxfordshire, the cynical might think.  Nevertheless, it was indeed a very good morning for getting together with friends in the great outdoors:

The work – our bit to help transform plain field into butterfly-friendly meadow – would have been easier if the soil had been a tad less heavy.  However, we would far rather the soil be “a bit sticky” (as Green-Gymmers described it, with just a dash of understatement) and the sun be shining on our backs than if the earth had been nice & friable from a period of dry weather, while the rain was pouring down the back of the neck.

Tasks did not consist entirely of digging, though there was plenty of that:
There was also the planting of a tree ... 

the transplanting of plugs of wild flowers ... 

the cutting back of a hedge-line ... 

and jobs where it was not entirely clear to the onlooker what Green-Gymmers were doing, but the side warden said they were doing it very well:

There were also some distractions, eg the neighbouring farm, and the frequent trains:

Plus, of course, cake at tea-break.  Including lemon-drizzle.  Just bad luck on those of us for whom today was the first Green-Gym day of Lent 2015!

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