By C:
“We are
going to have to stop being so good!” replied one of our volunteers when told
our mission for today – assigned by the site warden – was:
More of the same, as it was so successful last time.
Enter the human dredger(s):
Phase 1: inserting shovel |
Phase 2: lifting |
Phase 3: moving sludge to new location |
This is the reason
why the work is needed:
Chilterns chalk-stream as it is meant to be |
Chilterns chalk-stream as it is in too many places |
In any case, as one of our volunteers observed, essentially this job meant splashing around in the water having fun, bucket-and-spade style digging: “When are we allowed to do that as grown-ups?”
It is also
wonderful exercise: you don’t need to go to a conventional gym to experience
exercising against resistance (good for muscle-toning), if you have to pull
your feet out of the mud every time you realise that otherwise you’ll be
sinking relentlessly down. And it keeps
us out of mischief: you’ll not find us “hung over on a Tuesday”!
On arrival for the session, we found that the
plank we ‘discovered’, certainly retrieved from the stream, had been turned
into a little bridge:
This was today’s find:
“I’ve laid an egg!” |
Sadly, our golf expert was not on hand to
tell us what grade of ball this is, therefore how valuable (or not).
In the second half of the session, one volunteer
was selected for “special duties”. It
was all very mysterious when she disappeared to another part of the site, armed
with a net. It turned out there was a
hawthorn-blossom problem on ‘our’ pond (the one we turfed around). Enter the human skimmer:
“It’s not heavy exercise: it’s like pilates.” |
Of course all this mucking about would have
been even more fun in warm sunshine; and we knew we were all going to get wet
one way or another. Heavy, not to say
torrential, rain had been forecast, so there was some speculation beforehand as
to whether it was going to be a “bottom-upwards kind of wet today” or a soaking
from above. It turned out to be both.
When it got to be this wet, we called it a