Tuesday 3 May 2016

A beautiful day – and a sad one

By the session leader

Wonderful weather for a trip to one of our favourite places:

In full flower, the Loddon Lilies, for which the site is famous:

A Common Blue butterfly enjoyed the sun too:

Alas, this beautiful day was let down by the news that the two site managers, Dot and Keith, are moving on to pastures new, somewhere in the frozen north.  [Ed: “Ah, Abingdon!” commented one Green-Gymmer, but we are told they will be going a little further than that; even further than Banbury.]  So this may be our last visit to Withymead for quite a while.

The tasks were therefore aimed at tidying up the site to leave it safe and clear.  A simple task to start: taking down a teepee that was beginning to decay.

That was soon cleared …
and the tarpaulin carefully folded and tied with a genuine post-office knot, ready for future use:

Next a hurdle that needed repair:

Then a fence.  Note the PPE for when working with the drivel:

Brash blocking the walkway was to be cleared, but some members seemed to be having difficulty seeing it:

Saved by the ladies:

Tea break was eagerly awaited by some:

And the tea fairy celebrated her birthday (second 21st?) with a cake:

The task scheduled for immediately after tea – when Green-Gymmers’ energy levels have been restored – was to move a boat from landing-stage to where it will be less in the way, and safe in the event of a summer flood:

The restored parts of the old boatyard winch were stowed away safely:

And a final celebration with one of the fiercest fires we have had for a long time:

End of an era for us and the site staff. 

With Best Wishes to Dot and Keith:


  1. It was a shock to discover that Keith and Dot are leaving Withymead. Over the years of enjoying the site as part of WGG I have learnt a lot from them. Their dedication, commitment and vision, rooted in a profound knowledge of the natural environment has been an inspiration and made an enormous difference to the site. They will be sorely missed by many.

  2. I too have always enjoyed working at Withymead, with Dot and Keith's enthusiasm and knowledge. There is always something new to see and learn about, partly due to the many groups whom Dot and Keith manage to co-opt into helping. They have achieved so much in their stay. Good luck to them.
