Tuesday, 22 January 2019

And here is the full story of life today in the Green-Gym universe

Even the ducks were enjoying the scene.  It was a beautiful day, sun on the river, what was not to like:

Humans, however, had no time to relax and merely enjoy the view.  The first task tackled was a familiar one: filling potholes in the slack road.  Two volunteers duly set to, finding a barrow, filling it, then filling a few holes, and dancing on them to pack the gravel down:

A second team – the experienced engineers – took on another task familiar from a different site: repairing the rotten base of a section of boardwalk.

Meanwhile, a larger group set to work on the ivy that was ever so slightly overwhelming the fence by the road:

Originally the request was to cut off the ivy along the top of the fence and just give the ivy growing outwards “a haircut trim.”  Site management was worried lest it be only the ivy which was holding up the fence.  As soon as the ivy was cut off the top, however, it peeled away from the fence; WGG destructive instincts kicked in; and most of the ivy ended up in a barrow, and from there to a pile for burning next time; and the fence is still standing strong & sturdy.

Yet another group was tasked with raking out where a willow tree had been removed previously, then bagging up the brash and dragging that too for burning at some point in the future: 

No bonfire today!  Overnight there had been a downpour as can be seen by the state of the road:

So our tea break did not have its usual glow to warm us:

After the break, another task was produced: moving piles of cut weeds, nettles and grass over to the reptile home.  (Not that we saw any of the resident reptiles.)

Towards session end, the ivy group was putting the finishing touches to the fence, and the two road menders were still working hard on the potholes.  We managed to finish on time, though.  Which was just as well really.  The Green Gym weather had behaved perfectly, as it should.  The day changed dramatically after we had arrived home:

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