Tuesday 8 November 2016

Every shade of autumn

“A frosty start with some brightness” was how the Met Office described this morning.  

With regard to the first part of the day, that was something of an understatement? 
The sky was crisp and clear at dawn – with a temperature of -3 Celsius to match. 
The combination of frost, autumnal foliage, and golden sunlight made almost any old field look magical:
The frost made everything beautiful, even common weeds:

By the time we got to our working spot on the far side of Wittenham Clumps, however, the frost had gone, and the sky had clouded over.  So we looked to see what work was in store for us:

It was coppicing of these trees.  Not as big as some we had tackled in the past, but plenty of them:

We spread out far apart, but with instructions to avoid demolishing these protected youngsters:

Plenty of exercise sawing trees down, and then cutting them up!  So tea, coffee, and cake were much appreciated:

Meanwhile, some had it easy:

The end result: piles of logs …
piles of stakes …
piles of brash …
and satisfied workers:

Only left for the site warden to carry off some of the stakes and fencing ties:

1 comment:

  1. The third photo is literally Christmas-card material.
